Houtindustrie schijndel

Your Woodprocessor

Wood Drying

Kiln Drying

Technique and ability side by side
Technique creates the conditions; ability and experience define the boundaries.
This statement also applies to the process where wood is to be dried. HIS BV has eight dry kilns, varying from 100 to 200 cubic meters. These kilns are equipped to handle almost every type of wood.
The process of drying is completely computerized and the whole process is under continues survey through remote control. Before starting this process, a detailed and fitting schedule is made. This scheduling is a highly precise job, where the experience and knowledge of our people are essential. Thanks to their extensive experience, our people are capable of putting together a fitting schedule for every type of wood. Knowledge is an absolute key, and we prove this statement in the quality of our services.
One of our specialties is the drying of hardwood for solid flooringboards and the “redrying” or deep drying of wood especially for interior designing.


Saving time with our vacuum technique
For quite some time HIS uses a so-called vacuum dryer.
This vacuum dryer is being used especially for redrying or deep drying of pre-dried South-American hardwood. This wood is used for solid flooring boards production. Examples are types of wood like Jatoba, Curupixa, Sucupira and other exotic species. The vacuum dryer is also perfectly equipped for redrying oak. For instance: the reduction from 25% to 8% humidity of the wood implies an average time saving of 60%.

Drying of wood in the kilns or vacuum dryer combines HIS with calibrating and control of the moisture content. Therefore, we can guarantee that each board is dried according the specified standards.